Views & Opinions |
Views & Opinions |
If President-Elect Trump tries to follow through on his imperial ambitions, writes Rutgers political science professor Alexander Motyl, then he will soon be taught a costly lesson. |
Trump's imperial musings about Greenland, Panama, Mexico and Canada ignore the reasons why the age of imperialism ended, says Motyl. "Empires are costly and inefficient. Imperialism is costly and counterproductive. Both combine to generate the very forces that eventually bring about imperial downfall." This is a lesson that empires from imperial Rome to the Soviet Union have learned. And Putin's Russia is learning it too in Ukraine. Motyl thinks Trump should look at Putin's "record of abysmal failure" and draw the appropriate conclusions. "Empire and imperialism worked as long as nationalism was exceptional and asymmetric warfare had limited utility. Ukraine has shown that a deep commitment to a national identity, coupled with asymmetric advantages … can stop imperialism and end empires." The alternative? "Utter defeat and humiliation for Trump," writes Motyl. Read the op-ed at TheHill.com. |
Welcome to The Hill's Views & Opinions newsletter, it's Tuesday, Jan. 14. I'm Daniel Allott, bringing together a collection of key opinion pieces published from a wide range of voices. |
Op-eds exploring key issues affecting the U.S. and world: |
By Juan Williams, Fox News political analyst |
As a political ringmaster, Trump has shown he has the skill to distract the audience and convince them to believe in magical political solutions. But stay tuned as the circus performers — read that as Republican members of Congress — start attacking the ringmaster. |
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By Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University |
History probably won't be kind to Smith, whose record bespeaks a "parade general" — a prosecutor who offered more pretense than progress in the prosecution of an American president. |
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By Mark Whittington, author of "Why is it so hard to go back to the Moon?" |
If Putin were to come to terms with Ukraine, ending his war of conquest, Trump could offer Russia a role in the Artemis program in exchange. The incoming U.S. president could point out that Russia has prospered as a result of the International Space Station partnership. Without that partnership, Russia would not be any kind of space power. |
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By Merrill Matthews, co-author of "On the Edge: America Faces the Entitlements Cliff." |
Many Californians who might have considered leaving have perhaps refrained because they would have to sell houses they may have lived in for years or leave schools, churches or synagogues they were attached to. Still others would miss friends and family who live locally. The wildfires may be overriding those concerns for many Los Angeles-area residents. |
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Opinions related to pivotal issues and figures in the news: |
You're all caught up. See you next time! |
Views expressed by contributors are theirs and not the opinion of The Hill. Interested in submitting an op-ed? Click here. |
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