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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tipsheet: Five takeaways from the Virginia governor’s race — Sponsored by The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates

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Five takeaways from the Virginia governor’s race

By Jonathan Easley
Democrat Ralph Northam's Tuesday night routing of Republican Ed Gillespie to become the next governor of Virginia has significant national implications.

Here are five takeaways from Democrats' big night.
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Northam wins big in Virginia, thrilling Democrats
By Lisa Hagen and Ben Kamisar
Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D) won the Virginia governor’s race in a blowout Tuesday, fending off a potential gut punch for his party and giving Democrats a badly needed jolt of momentum ahead of the 2018 midterms.
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Dems win from coast to coast
By Reid Wilson
Democrats roared back on Tuesday a year after suffering perhaps the most demoralizing defeat in modern political history, claiming big victories in races up and down the ballot and across the country.
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Trump blasts Gillespie over Va. loss: He 'did not embrace me or what I stand for'
By Ben Kamisar
President Trump blasted GOP gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie in a tweet Tuesday evening in an effort to distance himself from the Republican's losing effort in Virginia.
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Rewind: The night Donald Trump was elected president
By The Hill staff
Donald Trump stunned the world exactly one year ago today by defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Over the past several weeks, The Hill asked Republicans, Democrats, celebrities and members of the media to recount where they were on that historic night and to describe the roller-coaster-like emotions of electing the nation's 45th president. Here are their stories.
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GOP criticism of tax bill grows, but few ready to vote against it
By Scott Wong and Mike Lillis
Fresh criticisms of the GOP tax bill emerged Tuesday from centrist and conservative Republicans following reports that the legislation would hike taxes on the middle class, as well as some wealthy Americans.
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Lobbyists in ‘frenzy’ over GOP’s tax-reform push
By Megan R. Wilson
For lobbyists in Washington, it’s all tax reform, all the time.

The GOP’s consideration of tax legislation has stirred feverish activity on K Street, with an army of lobbyists — even those who don’t specialize in taxes — swarming the Capitol to keep tabs on the bill.
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Push to restore adoption credit gains steam
By Nathaniel Weixel
House Republicans are facing growing pressure from anti-abortion groups and conservatives to restore an adoption tax credit to their bill to overhaul the tax code.
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Dems mull big changes after Brazile bombshell
By Alexander Bolton
Democratic senators are talking about wholesale change to their party’s rules in the wake of Donna Brazile’s explosive allegations about the 2016 presidential primary.
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After Texas shooting, lawmakers question whether military has systemic reporting problem
By Rebecca Kheel
Members of Congress are zeroing in on the military’s reporting system for violent crimes after the church shooting in Texas, questioning whether there is a systemic problem that must be addressed.
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Russian social media is the modern-day Trojan horse
By Adam Chiara
OPINION | The story of the Trojan horse is one of the oldest; and yet in a way, it played itself out again during the 2016 election.
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Trump must stop Chinese power grab before we’re at all-out war
By Todd J. Stein
OPINION | China is preparing for war with America. The communist nation continues to boost defense spending. The People's Liberation Army now enjoys a $151 billion budget, up from less than $10 billion in 1997. Beijing's investments have yielded fifth-generation fighter jets and hypersonic missiles capable of sinking U.S. aircraft carriers.
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The Washington Post: Republicans seek new strategy after failure of Gillespie’s ‘Trumpism without Trump’
By Michael Scherer and David Weigel
The result is a bad omen for the GOP nationally, which will face challenges across the country in 2018. “This is just an old-fashioned thumping,” said one former Virginia congressman.
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The Wall Street Journal: Trump warns North Korea not to underestimate US
By Michael C. Bender
In speech to South Korean Lawmakers, Trump calls for ‘total denuclearization’ of North Korea.
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The New York Times: Trump, in China, seeks help over a nuclear North Korea
By Mark Landler and Jane Perlez
He will ask President Xi Jinping for sanctions to punish the North’s nuclear ambitions. But China may hesitate to move against an old, if troublesome, ally.
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The Associated Press: FBI again finds itself unable to unlock a gunman’s cellphone
By Sadie Gurman
The Texas church massacre is providing a familiar frustration for law enforcement: FBI agents are unable to unlock the gunman’s encrypted cellphone to learn what evidence it might hold.
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Reuters: Senator seeks explanation for career US prosecutor's abrupt resignation
By Sarah N. Lynch
A Democratic senator said on Tuesday he wants answers from top Justice Department officials about why a career prosecutor was asked to resign days before a special counsel unveiled the first criminal charges in an investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. election.
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