Friday, December 22, 2017

17-Year-Old Mexican Social Media Star Killed After Insulting Cartel Leader, Shane Dawson Confronts His Hater, Where Are Stars Of YouTube Rewind 2012?

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17-Year-Old Mexican Social Media Star Shot And Killed After Insulting Cartel Leader

For one Mexican teenager, a verbal attack on a cartel leader seems to have resulted in tragic consequences.

Facebook, Ready To Make Music, Lands Licensing Deal With Universal Music Group

With its latest move, Facebook has made nice with one of the recording industry's most notable entities and has announced itself as a notable force in the world of streaming music.

Binging With Babish Host Andrew Rea Reads Bedtime Stories In New Podcast

Andrew Rea is putting his deep, velvety voice to good use in his latest media venture.

Join Us At CES 2018 For The 5th Annual Digital Cocktail Party

The tradition continues.

Shane Dawson Confronted His Hater To Break Down The Relationship Between Creator And Fan

What if Dawson were to confront one of his haters? Would they still confront him with vitriol, or would they soften up?

YouTube Millionaires: The Icing Artist Strives To "Take The Seriousness Out Of Cake Decorating"

On YouTube, Laurie Shannon gets to displayed her passion for baking, and the large following she has generated as a result is just the icing on the cake.

Snapchat Welcomes Developers With Its New AR Design Kit

Snap wats to help you help it create its augmented reality.

The Stars of YouTube Rewind 2012: Where Are They Now?

The first time YouTube invited multiple creators to join its Rewind production was way back in 2012, when more than two dozen participated in a recap of the year's most notable moments. Where are all those creators now?
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