Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Viacom Readies To Acquire VidCon, Two YouTube Stars Boxed And It Got Over 20 Million Views, Logan Paul Is Back To Regular Programming, & More Stories

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Viacom Will Reportedly Acquire Online Video Gathering VidCon

The confluence of creators, fans, and executives will reportedly be purchased by one of the US' largest media companies.

Kylie Jenner Chooses YouTube For Baby Reveal, Nabs 28 Million Views In 24 Hours

On Super Bowl Sunday, reality TV star (and burgeoning YouTuber) Kylie Jenner officially confirmed what many fans already knew: that she was pregnant — and had, in fact, given birth to a baby girl on Feb. 1.

After Music's Massive Week, Can People Finally Make Money From It Again?

One artist told us she makes $400 in royalty payments for every million times one of her songs is streamed online. But that could change with a trio of new federal bills.

Hannah Stocking Partners With Social Video Producer ATTN For Short-Form Science Series

Hannah Stocking is dropping knowledge on her viewers.

A Video Platform That Wants To Be YouTube For Cryptocurrency Users Has Raised $20 Million

Though Bitcoin's value plummeted over the Super Bowl weekend, digital entrepreneurs and investors are still looking for ways to cater to the growing public interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based technologies.

KSI Defeats Joe Weller In YouTube Boxing Match That Has Amassed 20 Million Views

Forget diss tracks. The newest venue for "feuding" YouTube stars seeking to air their grievances — and drum up some serious publicity in the process — is the boxing ring.

Trendy Live Streaming Trivia App HQ Airs Super Bowl Ad Days After Landing $15 Million In New Funding

Shortly after the end of Super Bowl LII, the NBC broadcast of the game showed a video of Lauren May jumping for joy and screaming at the top of her lungs. May, as far as we know, is not an Eagles fan. Rather, the cause of her elation was the live streaming app HQ.

Go90 Scoops Up Two More Seasons Of Teen Horror-Comedy Snatchers From Warner Bros' Stage 13

More Snatchers is coming to Go90. The Verizon-owned video platform will play host to two more seasons of the teen horror-comedy, which is produced by the Warner Bros-run digital studio Stage 13.

Mitú, NFL Announce Partnership To Engage Latino Football Fans

Though the NFL season just ended, fan interest in America's top sports league carries on throughout the year. In order to reach a passionate subset of its audience, the NFL has partnered with digital media company Mitú to create videos that will spotlight Latino football players.

Logan Paul Is Back To Old Antics In First Comeback Vlog After Suicide Scandal

It's now back to regularly scheduled programming for Logan Paul, the embattled YouTube star whose career took a nosedive last month when he cavalierly vlogged a hanged man's dead body while visiting Japan.
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