Views & Opinions |
Views & Opinions |
Several disgruntled House Republicans have called it quits in recent weeks. The reason, writes Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, "is tied to former President Trump's large lead in the GOP presidential primary race." |
"Every Republican still in the House next year will be forced to run for reelection while possibly supporting a convicted felon at the head the GOP ticket. They will also have to say they believe the lie that the 2020 election was stolen." That doesn't seem to be a problem for the many Republicans who still refuse to acknowledge that Trump lost the 2020 election. Many of these election deniers, Williams notes, have been "authorizing subpoenas for Biden's family in an effort to impeach the president." But MAGA Republicans have been losing at the polls, including in last Tuesday's elections in Kentucky, Virginia and elsewhere. The sad fact, according to Williams, is that most Republican officeholders still fear Trump and the political damage he can inflict if they cross him. That said, facing the "prospect of being asked to defend Trump for the next three years, while getting nothing done on Capitol Hill," a few Republicans are finally saying enough and walking away. Read the op-ed at TheHill.com. |
Welcome to The Hill's Views & Opinions newsletter, it's Tuesday, Nov. 14. I'm Daniel Allott, bringing together a collection of key opinion pieces published from a wide range of voices. |
Op-eds exploring key issues affecting the U.S. and world: |
By Yulia Latynina, writer and journalist |
While Ukrainian democracy, wounded and traumatized, is slowly waking to the unpalatable truth, the Russian dictator lives in an alternate reality in which he is fighting a world war against America — and winning. |
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By Douglas E. Schoen, Democratic political consultant |
Ultimately, on both international and domestic issues, the Democrats do not have a great advantage, and when one adds in the southern border and law and order issues, Democrats, on virtually every major issue, trail the Republicans. |
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By Brian Robertson, literary agent |
Kennedy raised millions of dollars from people who didn't donate at all in the last two presidential elections, a sign that he's activating new voters. Remarkably, he maintains a 19 percent favorability lead with voters over both Biden and Trump — this despite a concerted effort by almost every mainstream media outlet to dismiss him as a conspiracy theorist and crank. |
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By John Kenneth White, professor of politics at The Catholic University of America |
Throughout his papacy, Pope Francis has called for priests and bishops to be "shepherds with the smell of sheep." His repeated denunciations of "clericalism" stem from his revulsion at having self-centered leaders isolated from their people: "When the ministers exceed their service and mistreat the people of God, they disfigure the face of the church with machismo and dictatorial attitudes." |
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Opinions related to pivotal issues and figures in the news: | |
You're all caught up. See you next time! |
Views expressed by contributors are theirs and not the opinion of The Hill. Interested in submitting an op-ed? Click here. |
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